Half Bad 3 Half Lost


$ 17.405,00

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The third and final instalment in the breathtaking Half Bad series by Sally Green.Nathan Byrn is running again. The Alliance of Free Witches has been all but destroyed. Scattered and demoralized, constantly pursued by the Councils Hunters, only a bold new strategy can save the rebels from total defeat. They need the missing half of Gabriels amulet an ancient artifact with the power to render its bearer invincible in battle.But the amulets guardian the reclusive and awesomely powerful witch Ledger has her own agenda. To win her trust, Nathan must travel to America and persuade her to give him the amulet. Combined with his own Gifts, the amulet might just be enough turn the tide for the Alliance and end the bloody civil war between Blood and Fairborn witches once and for all...
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